A host of entrepreneurs and stakeholders joined the CSIR Biomanufacturing Industry Development Centre (BIDC) team for an SMME sharing session on Friday, 21 September. The BIDC hosts quarterly accelerator sessions that provide a networking platform in biomanufacturing, as well as allow sharing of best practice and individual entrepreneurial journeys and success stories.

A host of entrepreneurs and stakeholders joined the CSIR Biomanufacturing Industry Development Centre (BIDC) team for an SMME sharing session on Friday, 21 September. The BIDC hosts quarterly accelerator sessions that provide a networking platform in biomanufacturing, as well as allow sharing of best practice and individual entrepreneurial journeys and success stories.

This session saw previous BIDC incubatees, Dr Chomba Chuma from Lighthouse Healthcare and Dr Raj Lalloo from OptimusBio, share their experiences. Dr Chuma highlighted the need to ensure that your business offering is different from what is currently available in the market. He said that a good social media campaign provides good value for money for entrepreneurs and is a great source of information on the target market and their needs.

Dr Chuma will be launching his Velobiotics range of microencapsulated probiotics containing health shakes in 89 Clicks stores in September/October 2018. However, he cautioned against looking at retail stores only, stating “Online retail platforms are gaining significant momentum. I encourage entrepreneurs not to see brick and mortar stores as the only (or preferred) routes to market”.

Dr Lalloo is the Chief Technical Officer of OptimusBio, a company that provides eco-friendly biological products and solutions in sanitation and wastewater treatment.

Businesses should keep their product message simple and pitched at a level that reaches customers  and addresses their needs,” stated Dr Lalloo.

He said that he believes in the agile manufacturing mind-set that involves prototype development with rapid and continuous testing by customers and end-users. According to him, this decreases development cost, reduces time to market and ensures that the final product meets customer requirements. In closing, he encouraged entrepreneurs to be fearless and to take on challenges.

Read more, visit – https://www.csir.co.za/csir-bidc-hosts-smme-knowledge-sharing-session